Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Entitlement of a Teenager

We know our place in a classroom; the student. And yet, we feel as though we have a right to correct a teacher, or even teach a lesson. It's like our brains simply can't contain the knowledge we have aquired from outside the classroom and we have to make sure that we share it. If we know that extra little fact, we have to raise our hands and make sure everybody knows how smart we are. But it's also for the "Look at me, look at me" aspect. We love that golden spotlight.
It can even go as far as Facebook. What may seem like a funny, joking status can actually be analyzed and turned into "Look how clever I am earth!" Each like is a gold star on out foreheads. Everytime we share any form of thought or expression, it's our minds thinking we have the right to let everybody know that we have a new phone or got our permit or ran across this cool picture on the internet. I think it's funny, personally, how we feel that the most insignifigant things are those most worth sharing.
The way I see it, this all goes down to the identity crisis most of us are facing. We want the world to see us in a certain way and we grade ourselves by the number of likes on a picture or status. Or how many times a day we're told we're pretty or whatever guys do to compliment eachother. Or even how many blowjobs we give a week. But what do I know? I'm just a teenager feeling entitled enough to write down my opinion onto a blog on the internet because of the way I want the world to see me.

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